Whistleblower system

Smyczek GmbH

Smyczek offers employees, customers, suppliers, and other affected parties the opportunity to report issues and serious grievances that cannot be addressed openly via a confidential channel. Such notifications, for example about breaches of rules or unethical behavior, can contribute positively to Smyczek’s corporate culture and enable the company to investigate a violation of corporate standards and values.
Smyczek thus complies with the requirements of the German Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG).

The whistleblower system can be used to report information on violations in the following areas:

  • theft, bribes, and monetary benefits
  • fraud, embezzlement
  • conflicts of interest
  • insider trading
  • antitrust matters (violation of antitrust law and/or competition law)
  • money laundering
  • manipulation within the scope of accounting
  • environmental protection
  • health, occupational safety, and operational safety

Smyczek will review the information provided and respond to whistleblowers within the legal deadlines. Processing is performed confidentially. By providing contact information, whistleblowers can make contributions during processing.

Smyczek welcomes this new digital communication channel for reporting, commits to providing clarification without prejudice, and assumes that the reports received are submitted in good faith and are correct to the best of the whistleblower’s knowledge, with no intention of making false accusations.

The “submit report” button will take you to our group-wide whistleblower system, which is operated on an external web page by EQS Integrity Line.

SubmIt Report